Call for submission to special issue of Journal of Paleolimn
来源:未知 作者:admin 日期:2020-06-23
Special Issue title: Paleolimnology and paleoecology in a rapidly changing Asia
Asia is home to more than four billion people with a broad variety of climate types and inland waters. Across this vast land mass, climate change (i.e. regional warming, extreme events) and atmospheric processes (i.e. nitrogen deposition) have altered the cycling of surface waters and biogeochemistry. With accelerating societal and catchment development, inland waters in many parts of Asia have been increasingly modulated with shrinking aquatic resources, deteriorating water quality and decreasing ecological health. In regard to a general lack of long-term and systematic monitoring data, sediment records are particularly important in providing the inland water history of environmental change and ecological shifts for sustaining socio-economic development.With the research field of paleolimnology and paleoecology expanding in many parts of Asia over the last decade, the proposed special issue aims to highlight some of the up-to-date results of sediment studies from different parts of Asia, with a special focus on the temporal patterns and drivers of altered aquatic environment and ecological structure (i.e. communities, biodiversity, stability). The applications of new analytical methods and cutting-edge ecological perspective into sediment records are encouraged with a time scale limited within the period of Holocene (including Anthropocene). An estimated number of 10-15 articles will be published in this special issue.
Timeline for special issue
-Open call of special issue: December of 2019
-Online submission: 1st January to 31st August of 2020
-Online publication of special issue: December of 2020 (estimated)
Guest editors
Dr. Guangjie Chen (associate editor of JOPL; Yunnan Normal University, China; Email:
Dr. Xiangdong Yang (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Email:
Dr. John P. Smol (Founding editor of JOPL; Queen's University, Canada; Email:
Online submission
(1)Log on to JOPL online submission system:
(2)From the menu of New Submissions,select Submit New Manuscript
(3)In the option of Article Type Selection,select S.I.: Paleolimnology and paleoecology in a rapidly changing Asia
(4)Follow the online procedures and finish the submission
(5)The deadline for online submission is 31st August 2020